Well hello there,
I'll blame it all on lag time, because it has taken me some while to post this first posting for my 'new' second hand book store, which has now finally been named READ and GREEN. Wait for it if it hasn't worked itself out yet it will in a moment....
I like that the name is not immediately evident, it kind of feels fumbly and bumbly at the beginning and then after niggling at the back of your brain for a bit, it suddenly hits you that in a quiet understated way it is kind of clever. And I can write all of this because after all is said and done it was not really my idea, the spark of brilliance cam from Rob Greco who submitted 'Green and Read' and subsequently won the store's 'name me please' contest.
So, now there is a store, and,
now there is a name, and,
there are bunches of books.
Well then that begs the questions, 'how did it get here?', and, 'how will it do?', and, 'what does it do?'
Let's see what happens.. :0)
happy tales to you,