I lived in the mountains of BC in a cabin for a few years about 15 years ago and did a lot of reading back then. At that time I discovered the writings of Jane Urquhart when I voraciously read her books, 'Away' and 'The Underpainter', and I fell in love with her style of writing.
I had spent some years away from Ontario and was missing home and found that regardless of wherever Jane's stories took you, they have the heart of rural Ontario wrapped lovingly into them.
Well since my life in British Columbia, after a fair circuit, I have found myself once again living in Ontario, and much to my joy I have had the opportunity to attend a luncheon and reading of Jane's most recent book 'Sanctuary Line'. Subsequently, I got a chance to ask some questions and then have a chat with Jane and I can tell you that that was a happy day for this passionate reader.
Now, on another note I should add that the reading was preceded by a lovely conversation with Jane's cousin Roseanne here in Read and Green.
And this is me having memory of and sharing two good moments with you.
Happy tales to you,